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DNC Meeting – By the Time I Get to Arizona

The Democratic National Committee will meet on August 22-23, 2013 in Scottsdale, Arizona.  The full DNC meeting will consider the Chair’s nominations for the DNC’s Credentials, Rules & Bylaws, and Platform Committees and election of 75 at-large members.  Various regional caucuses, constituency caucuses, and councils will meet and elect officers.  I am happy to report that most caucuses also have “organizing efforts for the 2013 elections in VIrginia and New Jersey” on their agendas.  There are four regional caucuses – Eastern, Midwestern, Southern (including VA), and Western.  The constituency caucuses include the Asian American Pacific Islander Caucus, the Black Caucus, The Hispanic Caucus, the LGBT Caucus, and the Women’s Caucus.  Councils include the Seniors Coordinating Council, the Native American Council, the Rural Council, the Small Business Council, the Veterans and Military Families Council, and the Youth Council.   The Association of State Democratic Chairs will also meet.  Among other business, the DNC will also consider 13 substantive and 8 memorial resolutions, covering issues including President Obama’s accomplishments, the 50th Anniverary of the March on Washington, The Voting Rights Act, immigration reform, race and justice, LGBT rights, renewable energy, women’s rights, helping women succeed and families thrive, poverty, military force, and national security.  I’ll be posting about the meeting here, and check facebook and twitter @DemRulz for updates.