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DNC – First Future Forum – Jan 14th – Watch here

Below is the info on the first DNC Future Forum featuring regional DNC meetings and officer speeches in Phoenix, AZ on Jan. 14, and here is the Livestream link

PHOENIX – On January 14, the Democratic National Committee will hold its first of four regional DNC Future Forums in Phoenix, Arizona.

The morning portion will feature presentations, success stories, and looking ahead to opportunities on the horizon. In the afternoon portion, each Officer position will be taken up separately during the Forum in the following order: Chair candidates, Vice Chair candidates, and Treasurer candidates, Finance Chair candidates, and Secretary candidates.

The candidate forums will be moderated by Jon Ralston of the Nevada Independent.

The DNC Future Forum will begin at 9 a.m. local time and end at approximately 6 p.m. local time.

The DNC Future Forums will be open to the press and the public and will be livestreamed on and on social media for maximum audience participation.

Members of the public wishing to RSVP to the event can visit this page.

Members of the public can use this form to submit questions for the chair.

See below for a schedule and list of candidates that have confirmed their participation in the Phoenix forum.

WHAT: DNC Future Forum
WHERE: Phoenix Sheraton Downtown, 340 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85004
WHEN: The program will run from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Press credentialing and check-in will be open at 7 a.m. There will be a press riser and a mult box provided for cameras. If you are planning to bring a satellite truck, please email for logistical information.

Future Forum Schedule

9am – 12pm Regional Political Presentation
Regional Success Stories
DNC Look Ahead Discussion
Featured Speakers: DNC Chair Donna Brazile, Washington Governor Jay Inslee

12pm – 1pm Lunch Break

1pm – 6pm DNC Candidate Forums