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DNC Fall Meeting Day 2 – Part 2

SOUTHERN CAUCUS — The caucus spans states from Texas to Virginia, and includes West Virginia.   The Caucus elected new officers, including our own DNC committeeman Lionell Spruill as Southern Caucus 1st Vice Chair.  Other officers are Chair Gilda Cobb-Hunter (SC), 2nd Vice-Chair Karla Bradley (ARK), Secretary Lenora Sorola-Pohlman (TX), Treasurer David Parker (NC), and Southern Regional representatives to the executive commitee — Marie Prezioso (W.Va), Yvonne Davis (TX), Mitch Ceaser (FL), and Will Cheek (TN).  Gilda is a member of the SC State House and will be an active and effective leader of the organization.  Marie was president of the Young Democrats when I was active with that organization and has been an excellent DNC leaader.  Alfonso Lopez was very happy to attend his first official function as a DNC member. 

Governor Kaine addressed the group – he confirmed that the DNC will focus efforts on winning elections in the South.  He also noted that new committees, including Convention Selection, will be named.  There are also ad hoc commitees which may be named.   Nate Jenkins, DNC Southern Political Director, and Will Crossley, DNC Voter Protection coordinator, then addressed the group.

This afternoon, there are meetings of the Asian-American Pacific Islander Caucus, Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, Native American Coordinating Council, and National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Commitee.