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DNC Fall Meeting – Day 1

This morning’s first meeting is of the Association of State Democratic Chairs.  This group, chaired by Ray Buckley (Vt.),  includes State party chairs, highest ranking vice chairs of the opposite gender, and state party executive directors.  The group recognized new Va ED Leigh Anne Collier and it was also good to see former Va. ED Lindsey Reynolds (who has the cool job of ED of Democrats Abroad).  The ASDC advocates on behalf of state parties with the DNC and they have a very good working relationship – although one that is continuing to improve.

The group heard reports from DNC ED Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, Political Director Clyde Williams,  and OFA Director Mitch Stewart.  They generally talked about DNC’s efforts to improve communications and technology, raise money, build Organizing for America, advance President Obama’s agenda on health insurance reform and other issues, help in Virginia in 2009, and prepare for mid-term elections in 2010.  

Then there were reports from the ASDC Committees on website, redistricting, and voter files.  The group endorsed a new DNC-State Party voter file agreement.   A new ASDC website will go live on October 1 – in addition to public information, it will include a “members only” section which will allow members to privately share useful information.   (This is something that DVPA Central Committee also should have.)  Re redistricting the Census Bureau will set up “accurate count committees”  for each congressional district and Virginia will get its census data early – March 2011.  Regional Caucuses then met.  This afternoon – the trifecta of credentials, rules and bylaws, and resolutions committee meetings.