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DNC Communications Updates – July-Oct 2014

I get these weekly and try to post them, but I got behind, and frankly I’ve been spending more time on Twitter (@DemRulz) or Facebook (Frank Leone) than on this blog, so here is an archives of the ones from the last few months I haven’t posted (except October 3, which I apparently never received).  I’ll try to do better going forward.

Today’s Update (Oct. 24, 2014) features the shootings in Canada, Obama’s campaigning, and dumb stuff GOP Presidential candidates Christie, Paul, and Pence say or do.  

  DNC Communications Update 10.24.2014 (423.5 KiB, 1,062 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 7.3.2014 (336.9 KiB, 977 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 7.11.2014 (335.7 KiB, 897 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 7.18.2014 (351.2 KiB, 984 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 7.25.2014 (400.4 KiB, 1,271 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 8.1.2014 (329.0 KiB, 993 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 8.8.2014 (382.7 KiB, 914 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 8.15.2014 (373.8 KiB, 915 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 8.22.2014 (289.7 KiB, 963 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 8.29.2014 (348.2 KiB, 891 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 9.12.2014 (458.8 KiB, 1,457 hits)

  DNC Communications Update 9.18.2014 (382.9 KiB, 1,004 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 9.26.2014 (355.4 KiB, 1,448 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 10.14.2014 (528.6 KiB, 1,526 hits)


  DNC Communications Update 10.17.2014 (404.9 KiB, 979 hits)