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DNC Announces Convention Committees & Meetings

The DNC has announced the schedules, officers, and DNC-appointed members of the 2012 National Convention Standing Committees – Rules, Credentials, and Platform.  The Platform Drafting Committee will hold a hearing in Minneapolis on July 27-29 and is accepting requests to testify and written testimony via online portal at  – submissions must be provided prior to 5 pm EST on July 20, 2012.  The full Platform Committee will meet on August 10-12 in Detroit.  The Rules and Credentials Committees will meet in Charlotte, the weekend before the Convention (Sept. 1 or 2).  I will provide more information regarding these meetings when it becomes available.

The Co-Chairs for the Rules Committee are State Attorney General Kamala Harris and Governor Martin O’Malley, the Co-Chairs for the Credentials Committee are Mayor Julian Castro and Bishop Vashti McKenzie, and the Co-Chairs for the Platform Committee are Mayor Cory Booker and Lt. General Claudia Kennedy (Ret.) .  Working alongside the Co-Chairs of each committee are four Vice Chairs and 25 Party Leader and Elected Official appointments made by DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and approved by the Executive Committee.  States and territories have also selected a total of 161 Standing Committee Members.

The Virginia Delegation elected four members to each of the three Committees who will serve in addition to these appointed Virginians:  Rules – Hon. Alexis Herman, Hon. Dwight Jones, and Hon. Jennifer McClellan; Credentials – Hon. Adam Ebbin and Hon. Mark Keam; and Platform – Barbara Easterling.

  2012 Convention Standing Committee Release (154.6 KiB, 1,151 hits)

  2012 Convention Committee List (DNC) (1.9 MiB, 1,539 hits)