The DNC held its biannual meeting on September 8-10 and adopted the 2024 Democratic National Convention Call, Delegate Selection Rules, 33 Charter/Bylaw amendments (see redlined versions below showing changes from 2020), as well as 48 resolutions. The Rules and Bylaws Committee will meet (probably in December 2022) to adopt a pre-window calendar for state primaries. The RBC held ten meetings and four public sessions to consider these documents. The Rules and Call were updated and improved, and build on the work of the 2020 Unity Reform Commission, but, the revisions were not major. The updates on Voter Protection (Rule 2) I had offered were adopted. The Charter/Bylaws revisions likewise were mostly updates and housekeeping revisions.
President Biden and Vice President Harris both give vigorous speeches. The meeting was held at Maryland’s National Harbor and heard from Maryland’s statewide ticket as well as other party leaders.
Other activities of the three day meeting focused on highlighting the successes of the Biden administration including the American Rescue Plan, COVID response, health care funding, Infrastructure funding, nomination of Justice Jackson, CHIPS and the Science Act, the PACT Act for veterans, the bipartisan Safer Communities Act to curb gun violence, the Inflation Reduction Act, deficit reduction, job growth, and student loan relief. See
We discussed ways of messaging the Biden-Harris/Democratic Congress successes, fighting for democracy and reproductive freedom, fundraising accomplishments, DNC upgrades (staff increase of 60% since 2018), DNC media buys, youth and other outreach efforts, and early support for State Parties and 2022 candidates, including new DNC-funded voter protection and democracy protection staff and programs.
Remember: “ROEvember is coming.”
2024 Convention Call - redlined (1.1 MiB, 1,330 hits)
2024 Delegate Selection Rules - redlined (456.8 KiB, 1,340 hits)
DNC Charter - Bylaw Amendments 9.10.2022 (583.2 KiB, 1,309 hits)
DNC Resolutions 9.10.2022 (3.8 MiB, 1,334 hits)