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Demon Deacs beat Blue Hose

I knew Wake Forest was a small school, but that’s really a cute little stadium – hill and all. This was definately the best play of the game.

2 thoughts on “Demon Deacs beat Blue Hose”

  1. The trick was the “pass” bounced off of the turf, so it looked like an incomplete pass, instead of a lateral (which is what it was).

  2. This is a good idea! You should post a, play of the week in every post. It is much more interesting than the same old talking heads that other blogs routinely feature.

    BTW, a halfback pass is hardly a “trick” play. Besides, since this was Presbyterian, it was all preordained anyway. :-)

    I am still puzzled by the outside linebacker pulling up to a stop and letting the halfback pass. Did someone make a new rule that says you can’t nail anyone attempting to pass?

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