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Dem Rules and DemRulz

Since I interned at Americans for Democratic Action in the 1980, I have been involved with Democratic Party rules issues.  I have worked with many grassroots, local committee, and other party members to develop fair and clear party rules that encourage maximum participation.  For the past three cycles, I have drafted and obtained DNC approval for Virginia’s National Convention Delegate Selection Plan.  I have also drafted materials and made presentations to numerous Democratic groups around the Virginia explaining the process and this year even prepared a video, available on U-Tube.

After my election to the DNC in 2008, I set up the DemRulz.Org blog, primarily to keep Virginia Democrats informed about DPVA and DNC issues, but also to serve as a national resource on party rules issues.  I am proud to be one of the few DNC members who has a regular blog and DemRulz is one of the few national blogs that focus on party rules.

“Whenever I want to know about anything that is happening within the DNC — meetings, rules changes, whatever — DemRulz is among the first stops I make. Frank’s site is an invaluable resource to the work I do at FHQ.”  –  Josh Putnam, Frontloading HQ

“Thanks for your solid reporting on Democratic rules on DemRulz.Org. I’ve consulted your website more than once to find out the latest developments.”  – Jeff Berman, Obama National Delegate Director, Author of The Magic Number

“Although he is not a member of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee, Frank has attended nearly every meeting over the past four years and done a great job of  reporting on and analyzing DNC rules issues.”  – Mame Reiley, Member, DNC RBC.

“Thank you for your site: demrulz. An oasis of sanity in an otherwise chaotic world. It looks like I’ll be involved in the Democrats Abroad global primary, and I’m grateful that your site exists.”  – Rob Carolina, Democrats Abroad.