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2020 Democratic National Convention starts Monday!

One great thing about a virtual convention is everyone can watch and be part of it!  Here’s the Schedule of official events.   If you want more, here is the Schedule of partner and coalition programs.  And you can watch it Here.

The voting business of the Convention ends on Saturday – Delegates are voting by email ballots on (1) the nomination of the Presidential candidate (Biden/Sanders/Abstain), (2)  the Democratic Party 2020 Platform, and (3) a Rules Committee Resolution directing the DNC to continue the process of party reform.  I voted Biden, Yes, and Yes.  Under the rules, the VP candidate – Sen. Kamala Harris will be nominated by acclamation. (I really like saying VP Kamala Harris.)

Under the 2020 Rules, automatic (super) delegates could vote for a presidential candidate only it one candidate won a super-majority (i.e. a majority of automatic + pledged delegates).  The automatic delegate and the other Unity Reform changes have greatly improved the 2020 Presidential Nomination Process.  I am proud to have participated in the 100 hours of Rules & Bylaws Committee meetings and the historic DNC meeting that adopted these changes, and especially proud of the inclusion of voter protection provisions.

Note that the electronic voting worked because its a limited group, they can check emails, and it’s a public vote.  Doesn’t work that way for general elections.

The 2020 Democratic National Convention that will gavel-in on Monday is very different than the one initially planned, but its organizers have set a steady path to present a compelling and safe convention.  This is in huge contrast to the fits and starts of the Trump/GOP Charlotte/Jacksonville/WhiteHouse/Gettysburg/who knows? Convention.  The Biden/Harris team will continue this steady path to move the U.S. forward after the end of the Trump debacle.

See you in Milwaukee (virtually)!