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Working to Build a Diverse Democratic Party

 The Virginia Democratic Party’s diversity is a key component of our electoral success. I have worked hard over the years to advance the Virginia Democratic Party’s outreach and affirmative action efforts, including working to provide party recognition for constituency groups and caucuses, organizing visibility events at group gatherings, drafting materials and making presentations encouraging full participation in our delegate selection and other party processes, and making sure our state organizations worked with the various Democratic National Committee constituency organizations.

In recognition of these efforts, numerous leaders in Virginia’s constituency groups are supporting my reelection to the DNC, including Women’s Caucus leaders like Mame Reiley and Rachel Rifkind; African-American leaders like Sen. Donald McEachin and E.J. Scott; Latino leaders like Del. Alfonso Lopez and Carolina Espinal; Asian American leaders like Rose Chu and Hung Nguyen; Veterans and Military Family leaders like Terron Sims and Bob Martin; LGBT leaders like Charlie Conrad and Jay Fisette; Disability community leaders like Ed Turner and Monica Wiley; Young Democrat leaders like Isaac Sarver and Christie Bieber; and Labor leaders like Doris Crouse-Mays and Dan Duncan.

I pledge to continue my efforts to reach out to all communities, help build our Democratic Party, and work to elect our Democratic candidates, and I appreciate your support.

2 thoughts on “Working to Build a Diverse Democratic Party”

  1. I have beed hard at work, with a handful of other individuals in preparing the necessary information together to add one more constituency group to your list here hopefully very soon!

    We hope that the DPVA will welcome back a new and much improved version of the RURAL CAUCUS of the Democratic Party of Virginia. It has been amazing to see how quickly things have fallen into place to make a very passionate pitch for recognition from the DPVA.

    We expect to have our submission materials into the DPVA within the next 7-10 days.

    You can check us out on facebook page in which we just launched last night, by visiting the website link provided or searching for Rural Caucus of Virginia.

    We have just launched our twitter page as well… @RURAL_CAUCUS_VA

    We certainly look forward to your support, in addition to the majority of the Central Committee as well!


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