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Results of the 2012 VA State Democratic Convention

Over 2,000 Democrats assembled for the state convention on Saturday, June 2nd at George Mason University Center for the Arts.

The Steering Committee of the Democratic Party of Virginia convened Friday evening for their regular quarterly meeting, followed by the Democratic Asian-Americans of Virginia Reception as well as a tribute to Senator Jim Webb. At the Webb dinner Arlington Democrat and early Brigade organizer Mary Detweiler recalled the history of the Brigade Movement. Senator Donald McEachin and former Congresswoman Leslie Byrne each reminisced about the Election in 2006. It was a great event and truly a great tribute to Senator Webb.

At the convention on Saturday the Delegates, Alternates and visitors were addressed by former Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova, Fairfax City Mayor-Elect Scott Silverthorne, VA Legislative Black Caucus Chair Senator Mamie Locke, House Democratic Caucus Chair Mark Sickles, Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Don McEachin, Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Terry McAuliffe, Senators Webb and Warner, Congressmen Scott, Connolly, and Moran, as well as former Governor Tim Kaine and Anne Holton.

After the convention we were all invited to a reception by the Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia (DLOV), and on Saturday evening there was a Year of the Woman Reception with DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Convention Business

Pursuant to the authority provided by the Virginia Democratic Party Plan (“Party Plan”), and the Virginia Delegate Selection for the 2012 Democratic National Convention (“Delegate Selection Plan”), as approved by the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the Democratic National Committee, the State Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Virginia hereby calls a State Convention to convene on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 22030.

The State Convention shall: Elect 14 pledged Party Leaders and Elected Official (“PLEO”) Delegates, 23 At-Large Delegates, and 2 At-Large Alternates to the Democratic National Convention; elect 2 Democratic Electors; elect 4 Members (2 men and 2 women) to the Democratic National Committee; and conduct any other business properly placed before the convention by the Rules Committee, pursuant to the Party Plan and the Delegate Selection Plan.

From our Delegate Selection Plan, the business of the convention asked Delegates to vote for DNC members, Delegates and Alternates to the Democratic National Convention, Presidential Electors, a package of Resolutions, and National Convention Standing Committee members.

Convention photo gallery from the Patch, click here.

Virginia Democrats elect 123 National Delegates and 9 Alternates to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. that will have approximately 5,500 Delegates and 400 Alternates.

Rather than voters directly nominating a presidential candidate, their votes are translated into delegates that are distributed according to the level of support the candidates receive. Each state receives a certain number of delegates according to a formula agreed upon in advance of the convention. Those delegates are selected by rules formulated at the state level in keeping with national guidelines.

  • District Level Delegates: Each of Virginia’s 11 Congressional Districts will elect a total of 69 National Delegates elected at the Congressional District Conventions held in May of 2012.
  • At-Large Delegates: Virginia has 23 National Delegates selected At-Large at the State Convention on June 2, 2012.
  • Pledged Party Leaders and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates: Virginia will elect 14 “Pledged PLEO” National Delegates at the State Convention. These positions are considered according to the following priority: big city mayors and state-wide elected officials, state legislative leaders, state legislators, and other state, county and local elected officials and party leaders.
  • Unpledged PLEO National Convention Delegates: DNC Members, Democratic House and Senate members, Democratic governors, and former Democratic Party leaders are automatically confirmed to the state parties. Virginia currently has 17 such Delegates.

DNC Members elected 

  • Frank Leone
  • Doris Crouse-Mays
  • Mame Reiley
  • George E. Wallace

Female Delegates elected  

  • Julie Agarwal, OFA Volunteer
  • Lashrecse Aird, Legislative Aide to Del. Rosalyn Dance and 4th CD member
  • Catherine Brillhart, Bristol City Council
  • Tina Clay, OFA Neighborhood Team Leader
  • Hanh Deniston, VA IAFF
  • Leni Gonzalez, Latino Community Leader, Former Kaine Administration Official
  • Eucharia “Ukay” Jackson, Progressive Women for Obama
  • Lovely Lall, AAPI Community Leader
  • Dawn Lawson, 11th CD Member
  • Louise Lucas, DPVA Vice Chair for Outreach, State Senator
  • Rachel Rifkind, VA Democratic Women’s Caucus President
  • Kathy Shupe, OFA Neighborhood Team Leader
  • Chrisi West, Fairfax Dem Committee and OFA Volunteer
  • Anita White, OFA Neighborhood Team Leader

Female Alternate elected 

Lera Brown, OFA Neighborhood Team Leader

Male Delegates elected 

  • Toora Arsala, OFA Activist
  • Jay Bandhari, NOVA Indian American Activist
  • Steven Cochran, Montgomery County Dem Committee Chair
  • Chris Dumler, OFA Neighborhood Team Leader and Albemarle BOS Member
  • Robert Haley, Northern VA Dem. Business Council
  • Babur Lateef, Former Prince William BOS Chair candidate
  • Peter Owen, Arlington and LGBT Activist
  • Alex Rodriguez, OFA Activist
  • Ed Turner, State Disabilities Issues Advocate in the Kaine Administration

Male Alternate elected 

Daniel Davis, Disability Issues Activist

PLEO Delegates elected (Party Leaders and Elected Officials)

  • Jon Bowerbank, DPVA Vice Chair for Finance, Russell BOS Member
  • Jen Brown, Treasurer in Charlottesville
  • Eileen Filler-Corn, Delegate from Fairfax
  • Ed Harlow, Mayor of Bristol
  • Charniele Herring, Delegate from Alexandria
  • Fred Hudson, DPVA 2nd Vice Chair, Rules
  • Mark Keam, Delegate from Fairfax
  • Mamie Locke, Senator from Hampton and Chair of the VA Leg. Black Caucus
  • Jennifer McClellan, Delegate from Richmond
  • Don McEachin, Senator from Henrico
  • Yvonne Miller, Senator from Norfolk
  • Scott Surovell, Delegate from Fairfax
  • Luke Torian, Delegate from Prince William
  • Molly Ward, Mayor of Hampton

Presidential Electors 

Each of Virginia’s 11 Congressional Districts will elect one Presidential Elector elected at the Congressional District Conventions held in May of 2012. The Virginia Delegation will elect two Presidential Electors at the State Convention.

Presidential Electors elected 
Terry Frye and Anita A. White.

Resolutions Adopted 

National Convention Standing Committees 

The National Convention has PlatformRules, and Credentials Committees. The Virginia Delegation (the National Delegates elected at the State Convention) will elect the committee members. NOTE: all the Standing Committee members below were elected by the Virginia Delegation on Monday, June 5th.

  • Rules 
    • David Bowers
    • Allison Chin
    • Audrey Collins
    • Charlie Jackson
  • Credentials
    • Bill Euille
    • Terry Frye
    • Paula Miller
    • Shannon Valentine
  • Platform
    • Mamye BaCote
    • Bob Brink
    • Henry Marsh
    • Margi Vanderhye
