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DPVA 2012 Delegate Selection Plan Available

The Democratic Party of Virgnia today posted the draft 2012 Democratic National Convention Delegate Selection Plan for 30 day public comment, here.  I will post my comments this week.

2 thoughts on “DPVA 2012 Delegate Selection Plan Available”

  1. Sure – we prepared such guidance in 2008 and it’s posted at this website’s reference page, in at the 2008 DPVA Delegate Selection section. (This year’s process is similar to 2008.)However, the DPVA will issue similar guidance for 2012 and we will carry links. Thanks and good luck!

  2. I know that the rules and regs must be long and extensive, but is there any way that a FAQ could be provided? I have ALWAYS wanted to attend the national convention and this time it is being held in Charlotte, NC, very near my hometown. I am a STRONG Democrat and would be honored to serve. Something that would “hit the highlights” would be just great. Thank you so much.

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