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DNC Snobama Meeting – Day 3

The DNC held its meeting this morning and had a surprisingly large and enthusiastic crowd.  President Obama spoke about the economic frustrations of the American people and the continuing need to change the way Washington works.  Chairman Kaine spoke about the 2012 elections and the need to encourage turnout and the build on the work we did in 2008.  Congresswoman Holmes-Norton spoke about getting a vote in Congress for DC’s residents.   The DNC adopted the Resolutions report (see prior post- note rez #4, which provides a good list of President Obama’s accomplishments).  The DNC also “accepted as written” the Change Commission Report; RBC co-chair Roosevelt explained that the RBC will be working on the report’s recommendations.  The DNC staff did an excellent job of putting on the meeting, despite the challenging weather conditions, and it was great to meet and share ideas with Democrats from around the country and the world.