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Convention Update. 8/27: Caucuses, Choice, James Taylor, GOP

  • Delegates – in case you missed it, sign up here for the Democratic convention caucus and constituency group meetings.  Here is a schedule.  These are during the day between the delegation breakfasts and the start of the convention.   Like the 2x/year DNC meetings, these caucus/constituency meetings take up a lot of the meeting time.  I’m not sure that’s the best use of available  time, but I’ll check them out.  I am definately planning to attend the Voting Rights Institute meeting.
  • You can join me and many other Virginians and sign up with NARAL to be a pro-choice delegate – here
  • The Convention Committee recently announced that performers for the Thursday session include James Taylor and an updated speakers list, here.
  • Dana Milbank of the WaPo takes a look at the GOP’s wacky platform, here.