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DNC Change Commission #2 – Super Delegates

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 Or, more accurately, automatic unpledged party leader and elected official delegates (“AUPLEOs”).  In 2008, nearly 20% of national convention delegates were super delegates – Distinguished Former Party Leaders (DFPLs, e.g., former DNC Chairs), Governors, Senators, members of Congress, and DNC members.  The 2008 Convention Resolution requires “a significant reduction in the number” of such delegates.  It also provides for a review of the formulas for delegate allocation to make sure that the delegates accurately reflect the will of the voters. Read More »DNC Change Commission #2 – Super Delegates

DNC Change Commission #1 – Timing of primaries and caucuses

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This is the first of three postings that discuss the rules issues the DNC Change Commission will consider at its (final) December 5, 2009 meeting.  [corrected]

The Change Commission Resolution adopted at the Democratic National Convention provides that, for 2012, most primaries/caucuses are to be held after March 1; those that are allowed to go earlier must occur after February 1; frontloading should be reduced; the Commission should review enforcement rules; and the DNC should work with the RNC on scheduling.  At the October Commission meeting, staff presented options, including moving back the starting dates and also encouraging regional clustering of contests.

The concern here is that the process starts too early, a few states (i.e. NH and Iowa) have a disproportionate influence, and too many contests happen too soon.  A later-starting, more spread out process would allow voters in different states to evaluate the candidates, voters in more than a handful of states would have a voice in choosing the party’s nominee, and the party can see how candidates progress over time.  A counter concern is that choosing a nominee early allows that candidate to prepare for the November general election that much sooner.  The consensus seems to be in favor of a few contests in February and the remainder spread out over a first tuesday in March to second tuesday in June window.Read More »DNC Change Commission #1 – Timing of primaries and caucuses

DNC Change Commission – Oct 24 pm Session

In the afternoon session, the Commission was presented with DNC staff options and discussed the timing, super delegate, and caucus issues.  The options were suggestions only and do not bind the Commission.  The afternoon session began with Virginian Larry Roberts  bringing greetings from DNC Chair Governor Kaine.    At the next and final meeting – December 5th in DC – the Commission will adopt its recommendations.   The proposals and some of the discussion points are set forth below.Read More »DNC Change Commission – Oct 24 pm Session

DNC Change Commision – Oct 24 AM Session

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The DNC Change Commission held its second meeting in Washington DC today to hear public comments on the presidential nomination process timing, the role of unpledged automatic or super delegates (SDs), and recommendations for improving caucuses, and begin its discussion of options.   The meeting was chaired by Congressman Clyburn (D-SC).  Virginians Hon. Alexis Herman and Hon. Jennifer McClellan attended as members of the Commission.  Below are my notes from the morning session.Read More »DNC Change Commision – Oct 24 AM Session

DNC Change Commission Meeting Today

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The DNC Change Commission is meeting today in Washington DC. Details to follow.

DNC Change Commission Holds First Meeting

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The DNC Change Commission held its first meeting at the Capitol Hilton in DC to hear presentations on primary calender, super delegates, and caucuses.   Governor Kaine convened the meeting and charged the group to work to have a strong, fair, transparent process that is good for our party and the country.  The meeting was well organized and included some interesting presentations on the issues and served to bring all Commission members up to speed.  The next meeting on August 29 will feature public comment and the October 24 and December 5 meetings will discuss and adopt proposals.  See the official DNC  Change Commission website for updates.  A brief summary of the meeting, copies of the materials, and key issues to be addressed are set forth below.Read More »DNC Change Commission Holds First Meeting

DNC Rules “Change Commission” to Meet In June

As we reported, the 2008 Democratic National Convention adopted a resolution to establish a DNC Change Commission to evaluate party rules.  See Convention resolution, Commission membership.  The Commission will hold its first meeting on June 27 in DC, and issue its final report by year end 2009.  The DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee will consider the report, as well as other proposals on all 21 DNC Delegate Selection Rules, and adopt final rules by the fall of 2010.  (State Parties will then submit Delegate Selection Plan in 2011.)Read More »DNC Rules “Change Commission” to Meet In June

DPVA Central Commitee Election Process Is Underway

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The Democratic Party of Virginia will elect its new Central Committee members next month, so I wanted to provide an update of a prior post on this issue.  The attached PDF, and text below, sets out in question and answer format information about the State Central Committee and the upcoming elections.  Active Virginia Democrats should participate in this process and those who want so serve on the State Central Committee should be out campaigning.

 You can get updates at the DPV Central Committee Site, which also includes the Congressional District Calls to Convention and a complete calendar.   Here is a calendar containing deadlines from the Congressional District Calls to the Conventions.

Congressional District

Convention Date

Prefiling Deadline (SCC)

City & County Caucus Dates


May 2

April 24

Apr. 18 or 20


May 9

April 30



May 16

May 9

Apr. 25 or 27


May 9

May 1

Apr. 25 or 27


May 2

April 23

Apr. 18 or 20


May 16

May 8



May 9

May 1

Apr. 23 or 25


May 16

May 8



May 2

April 27

Apr 18 or 20


May 9

May 1

Apr 18 or 20


May 9

May 1


  SCC Q&A 2009 (204.8 KiB, 1,219 hits)

Read More »DPVA Central Commitee Election Process Is Underway

Changing the Rules for 2012

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Dean.jpgThe Democratic National Convention Rules Committee today unanimously adopted a resolution calling on the DNC to establish a Democratic Change Commission to consider controversial issues which arose in this year’s presidential nomination process and recommend changes in that process to the DNC.  The Resolution directs the Commission to move the delegate selection process back so most primaries are spaced out in March and later, reduce the number of  super delegates, and establish new criteria for caucuses.  The Resolution was supported by the leadership of the DNC, and the Obama and Clinton campaigns.  Two resolutions raising concerns about the caucus process had been offered, but were withdrawn at the meeting. 

  DNC Change Commission (169.8 KiB, 1,352 hits)

Read More »Changing the Rules for 2012

DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Does the Right Thing

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The DNC RBC meeting I saw yesterday was one in which members and presenters strongly advocated their positions, but shared a commitment to Democratic Party ideals of participation, fairness, and party unity.  Thus the Committee was able to reach compromises which implement those principles, resolve the outstanding disputes over seating of the Florida and Michigan delegations, and allow our presumptive nominee to focus on the issues that confront the American people.  Specifically, the Committee voted to seat the full number of delegates from each state, each delegate with a half vote, and allocate the delegates generally according to primary percentage, with some adjustments for Michigan.Read More »DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Does the Right Thing