I’ve been to five conventions, but I have never seen the party so unified, enthusiastic, and positive about putting forth our candidate and message. From the business perspective, the Convention adopted the Credentials, Rules, and Platform Committee Reports, and elected officers. I posted the platform yesterday and will post the Rules and Credentials, but there is nothing controversial. Delegates signed the pettition to nominate President Obama. I am looking forward to another exciting day. Again, thanks to DemConWatch, here’s today’s schedule (complete schedule below). Highlights will include Bill Clinton’s nomination speech for President Obama, Convention Chair Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Elizabeth Warren, and Barney Frank and the Roll Call. I don’t know about venue plans for tomorrow – still planning on Panther Stadium and hopefully the rain will end today. (BTW, Politico picked up my recent post re the credentials committee, here.)Read More »#DNC2012 Actions, Schedule