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DPVA Strategy

 The Democratic Party of Virginia State Central Committee at its December 2009 meeting voted to form a Strategic Plan Committee.   Ten tactical thoughts to consider:

  1. Coordinate DPVA goals with those of President Obama.  We all worked very hard together in 2008 to change America and elect Barak Obama.  As he said on election night, “This victory alone is not the change we seek – it is only the chance for us to make that change.”  President Obama’s successes are the Democratic Party’s successes and will be our country’s successes, so we better get on the same page. Read More »DPVA Strategy

A Good Health Care Bill

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Jeepers. You wouldn’t think it would be necessary to remind folks about all the good provisions in the current health care bill. Others have looked at the bill in great detail and provided useful analyses.  See, e.g,  Paul Krugman, Bill Clinton, Victoria Kennedy, Nate Silver, and Nancy-Ann DeParle (Director of the White House Office of Health Reform).

My point is that President Obama has focused intensely on this issue and succeeded in getting support from a supermajority in the Senate for a bill.  This necessarily involved compromises – that’s how governing works.  And, of course, this isn’t the final bill and, if the Senate passes it, the conference committee can work on further improvements.  If the bill dies, it will be another 20 years before another Democratic President summons the courage to try to fix the system.  And sure, from a political perspective, delivering on health care reform before moving onto the other issues on the agenda is a good thing for Democrats.Read More »A Good Health Care Bill