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Inauguration Updates

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I hope that everyone had a great time  and that you found our inauguration update page useful.  I’ll post pictures on Flicker.

Gov Kaine leads charge for in-person early voting

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As indicated in today’s press release:

Office of the Governor

Timothy M. Kaine                                         FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
     Governor                                                          January 7, 2009

Contact:                 Gordon Hickey
Phone:                   (804) 225-4260
Cell Phone:           (804) 291-8977


~ Legislation will allow all voters to cast an absentee ballot in-person ~

 RICHMOND – Governor Timothy M. Kaine today proposed legislation to allow for no-excuse, in-person absentee voting in Virginia. The proposed legislation would allow any qualified voter to cast an absentee ballot in person at their registrar’s office during the 45 day absentee voting period, without providing an excuse or reason. Those wishing to vote absentee by mail would still be required to meet one of the existing statutory requirements.Read More »Gov Kaine leads charge for in-person early voting

DPV Central Commitee to meet, consider elections, resolutions

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The next quarterly meetings of the Democratic Party of Virginia Central and Steering Commitees will be held on December 5-6, 2008 at the Doubletree Hotel in Charlottesville.  The Central Commitee and its officers are up for election in the Spring of 2009 and we will consider the processes for those elections.  The Commitees will also consider a resolution on ten voting-related issues, including support for early voting and facilitating college student voter registration on their college communities, and a resolution supporting nonpartisan redistricting.   Texts of the resolutions follow. 

  DPV_Voting_Resolutions_Dec_2008.pdf (67.8 KiB, 1,127 hits)

Read More »DPV Central Commitee to meet, consider elections, resolutions

DNC Should Continue 50 State Staffing

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Democratic successes over the past four years, including Obama’s election, owe a lot to the DNC 50 State Strategy which placed 3-4 staff people per state to assist state Democratic parties.   The program was scheduled to terminate on November 30, 2008 and apparently is doing so.  The new DNC leadership may — and should — resume the program, but in the meantime, we are losing 183 experienced and knowledgeable field people.  The DNC should keep these folks on staff until decisions about the future course of the program are made.  Below is my letter to Chairman Dean. 

  50 state letter (113.4 KiB, 1,141 hits)

Read More »DNC Should Continue 50 State Staffing

One Virginia (for Obama)

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Today’s Washington Post qoutes Sarah Palin as talking – yet again – about the “Real Virginia.”  This is the same kind of Atwater/Rove/Wedge Issue/win elections by dividing people approach that Republicans try time and time again.  Barack Obama is the only candidate who talks about what unites us more than what divides us and that is one reason why he should be our next President.

As we are all Americans, we are also all Virgnians.  I grew up and live in Northern Virginia, but have lived in Charlottesville and Richmond and travelled to every corner of the Commonwealth.  What unites us is far greater than what divides us, as the following Virgnia Pilot editorial said so wellRead More »One Virginia (for Obama)

Vote For Obama, Now

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Many people, including those living in Northern Virginia who will be out of the county at work for 11 hours on election day, can vote absentee, including voting “absentee in person” at the Courthouse or special locations.  If you are eligible, you should vote now to make sure your vote counts.  By the way, ALL absentee votes that are received by election day are counted.   For more information check with the State Board of Elections website — important information is set forth below.Read More »Vote For Obama, Now

DPVa to Meet, Vote on 2009 Primary

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The Virginia Democratic Party’s State Central Committee will meet this Saturday, September 13, in Fredericksburg and  will vote on whether to have a primary to nominate our statewide candidates in 2009.  

  Primary 2009 (87.8 KiB, 1,320 hits)

The Committee will also vote on the recognition of Rural Caucus, conduct other business, and hear speeches.  The party’s Women’s Caucus will hold elections.

UPDATE:  DPVA votes to nominate statewide candidates in 2009 by primary.  Also recognizes rural caucus, makes minor party plan revision, hears excellent speeches (especially by Governor Kaine), and enjoys Pig Roast.

Note – Both Democratic candidates for governor, Hon. Brian Moran and Hon. Criegh Deeds SUPPORT a primary.Read More »DPVa to Meet, Vote on 2009 Primary