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DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Meets

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The DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee held its “shortest meeting on record” today.  In its meeting in San Juan last fall, the RBC finalized the rules and regulations, which were sent to State parties by Dec. 15.  Patrice Taylor reviewed the upcoming deadlines (see below).  The DNC will present a delegate selection plan webinar (to be scheduled).  Co-Chair James Roosevelt noted that a number of states must move back their primary/caucus dates to comply with the DNC/RNC March 6 deadline. The DNC and RNC leadership recently met, and the new RNC Chair affirmed his commitment to the calendar. Some states, particularly Florida, may raise compliance issues, as noted in a recent article.  The RBC takes the approach that if states document “provable positive steps” to bring state law into compliance, but fails, its delegation will be seated. This will continue to be a controversial issue. Note that Virginia Democrats were able to reach an agreement with the state GOP so that our primary date – March 6, 2012 – complies with both national party rules. Read More »DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Meets

JJ Weekend: Black History Presentation

Sen. Marsh, Del. Cunningham, Chair Moran, Del. Reid, Mrs. Morris-Harris

A new addition to JJ weekend was a presentation by the Democratic Black Caucus on Richmond’s important black historical landmarks sites, chaired by DBC President Evelyn Morris-Harris.  State Senator Henry Marsh and former Delegate Ferguson Reid shared their recollections and Party Chair Brian Moran presented former Delegate Jean Cunningham with a resolution thanking her for her work as Chair of the State Electoral Board.  Sites include the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, the Virginia Civil Rights Memorial on the State Capitol Grounds, and the Virginia Slavery Reconciliation Statue.  Fortunately, and after many meetings, it was a beautiful day to go out and at least see the monuments.  The Civil Rights memorial recalls the efforts of 16-year old Barbara Johns leading a protest of inferior educational facilities at the segregated Moten High School in Farmville in 1951; the resulting lawsuit was consolidated with Brown v. Board and led to the end of segregation.  E.J. Scott discussed the Reconciliation statue, which with its companions in Liverpool, England and Benin, represents remembrance, reconciliation, and healing.  Read on for Senator Marsh and Delegate Reid’s comments.Read More »JJ Weekend: Black History Presentation

DNC Feb. 24-26 DC Meeting Updates

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The DNC will meet in Washington DC at the Wardman Park Marriott on Feb 24-26, 2011.  Below are the updated schedule and the Resolutions package. 

Thanks, Senator Webb

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Jim Webb is just the kind of thoughtful and reasoned voice we need in the Senate – but we look forward to his continued contributions to public life.  See below for Sen. Webb’s retirement statement, Chairman Moran’s statementand DPVA’s statement on Senator Webb’s record.Read More »Thanks, Senator Webb

DNC Communications Report – 2/4/2011

The 2012 Democratic National Convention, jobs, Egypt, START, and affordable health care, including a discussion of the recent Florida ruling.  [download  id = “90”]

2012 Democratic National Convention – It’s Charlotte (NC)!

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The good news is it will be easier for Virginians to get there.   Here is Chairman Kaine’s long awaited announcement, just sent to DNC members:

Dear Member —
We had a tough choice to make this year. In deciding which city should host the 2012 Democratic National Convention, we were presented with strong cases by four of America’s great communities. Today, I’m excited to announce that we have made our decision.

On the week of September 3rd, 2012, Charlotte, North Carolina will host the 46th Democratic National Convention.Read More »2012 Democratic National Convention – It’s Charlotte (NC)!