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DPVA Chairman’s Update – 4/1/2011

Among the good things that DPVA Chairman Brian Moran is doing is providing regular updates on his travels, the party’s activities, and important issues.  The DPVA’s new leadership is active and open.  Below is the Chairman’s Update, which makes the point that the DPVA favors bipartisan redistricting, but not unilateral action which will undermine the Senate’s ability to protect the Commonwealth from Republican extremism.Read More »DPVA Chairman’s Update – 4/1/2011

Happy 150th Birthday, United Italy

March 17, 2011 marks the sesquicentennial of the Risorgimento, the unification of  modern Italy.  The Italian Embassy website has information and a lists of events.

President Obama on Libya

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Here are some observations from the DNC on the President’s speech and our country’s actions in Libya.  

  • President Obama made a strong case for the success of our efforts in Libya so far, and for the more limited role that America will play going forward.Read More »President Obama on Libya

DPVA OFA-VA Training Update

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Information on the training to be held in Charlottesville, Blacksburg, Fairfax, Richmond, Norfolk, and Newport News over the next few weeks from DPVA Vice Chair for Organization, Gaylene Kanoyton (who is doing a great job):

We are excited to share the details on the upcoming Regional Grassroots Trainings.  The DPVA and OFA team has worked to provide the most effective and efficient grassroots training for activists. We hope that you will join us at a training near you.   Please click on the location link to RSVP for the training you plan to attend.Read More »DPVA OFA-VA Training Update

DNC Chair Kaine on the Wisconsin Legislature’s Vote to Take Away Public Workers’ Collective Bargaining Rights

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 Washington, DC – Last night, without public notice, Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate used extraordinary parliamentary maneuvers to separate a bill that takes away public workers’ bargaining rights in that state from related budgetary measures, enabling them to pass that bill solely with Republican votes. The GOP-dominated Wisconsin Assembly followed suit today, sending the purely partisan bill, which eliminates rights that public employees in Wisconsin have had for decades without addressing Wisconsin’s fiscal issues, to Republican Governor Scott Walker’s desk.Read More »DNC Chair Kaine on the Wisconsin Legislature’s Vote to Take Away Public Workers’ Collective Bargaining Rights

DPVA Pancakes!

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Sometimes the Democratic Party has events at Senator Rockefeller’s house for $30,800 (I hope parking is included), and sometimes we have pancakes at the TC… Read More »DPVA Pancakes!