Dem National Convention Credentials and Rules Committees
I understand that the Democratic National Convention Rules Committee will meet in Philadelphia on Saturday July 23rd and the Credentials Committee will meet on Sunday
I understand that the Democratic National Convention Rules Committee will meet in Philadelphia on Saturday July 23rd and the Credentials Committee will meet on Sunday
In connection with the Democratic National Convention, the DNC will hold meetings and events with its constituency group caucuses and councils. A schedule is below.
Here are some of my favorites – let me know about yours. Paul T. David, et al., The Politics of National Party Conventions, Vintage Books:
The Democratic Party Platform Drafting Committee has completed its draft platform – the full Platform Committee will meet in Orlando on July 8-9 from 8 am to
Here’s a link to a DNC summary of the Democratic National Convention Draft Platform. The actual draft Platform will be released prior to the platform
Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon
Thanks to all who made the Democratic Party of Virginia’s convention weekend a success, including DPVA Chair Susan Swecker, the DPVA staff, volunteers, elected officials,
The Democratic Party of Virginia State Convention begins at 9:30 am today – registration – and the Virginia Democratic Women’s Caucus breakfast – starts at
From the DNC: Wednesday marked the beginning of the platform drafting process with the first session of the Mid-Atlantic Democratic Platform Forum taking place in
Here’s an updated schedule of events for the very busy DPVA June 18 State convention weekend In Richmond. All Virginia Democrats should be part of
The Democratic National Convention meeting in Philadelphia on July 25-28 will adopt a national party platform that will set forth the principles and issues that
The next step in Virginia’s National Convention Delegate Selection process is our state convention, which will be held in Richmond on June 18 at the
DPVA has posted an new webpage — — with important information on how to run as a state and national convention delegate. The site includes
The Democratic Party of Virginia Steering and Central Committees will hold their first meetings of 2016 on February 19th, 7:30 pm, and February 20th, at
To vote in the March 1st Virginia Presidential Primary, you have to be registered to vote by Monday, February 8, 2016. Go to the Department
Federal courts have found that the GOP-dominated General Assembly implemented an unconstitutional racial gerrymandering of Virginia’s Third Congressional District and have provided a much fairer
I have been posting materials on the 2016 Democratic National Convention Delegate Selection process on the DemRulz References page, but I just set up a
Virginia’s presidential Primary will be held on March 1, 2016 – at your usual voting place, polls open from 6 am to 7 pm. If
The Republican Party of Virginia State Central Committee yesterday unanimously asked the Virginia State Board of Elections (SBE) to drop the requirement that GOP primary
A number of the bills mentioned in the prior post will be heard Tuesday, Jan 19, at 7:30 am by a House Privileged & Elections
It’s that time of year again, and the Virginia General Assembly is hard at work. Here are a number of good bills that will make
Virginia will hold its Presidential Primary on March 1, 2016 – Republicans have decided to limit their primary to voters who sign a statement saying
The Virginia State Board of Elections held a drawing today to determine the ballot order of the candidates for the March 1, 2016 Presidential Primary.
Although I have gotten a little behind on this site, I have been providing information through other social media on a daily basis. So although
Here is the recently issued DNC Victory Task Force Report. Among other things, it reports on the current version of 50 State Strategy, which involves
The Democratic Party of Virginia Steering and Central Committees will hold their quarterly meetings this weekend in Richmond. These will be the first meetings in
The Democratic National Committee met last week in Minneapolis – the meeting featured addresses by 4 of the 5 Democratic Presidential candidates, committee work, messaging,
GOP presidential candidates on immigration, health care, the middle class, and teachers, but still no references to Jim Gilmore. Also – yet another nod
The GOP hates women, social security, and new citizens, but likes war in Iraq. But no mention of Jim Gilmore. And DPVA makes the In
The Virginia Democratic Presidential Primary will be on March 1, 2016, but presidential candidates seeking to get on the ballot in Virginia must file the