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April 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Here is President Obama’s proclamation and check out for activities.

Join the DPVA!

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By which, of course, we mean send money.  (Almost) nobody likes fundraising, but building a strong political organization that wins elections costs money.  Here’s the pitch:Read More »Join the DPVA!

Poyekhali CAPS!

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(I think thats “Let’s Go CAPS”  in Russian).   Also, I don’t know I missed it, but this is priceless.

DPVA 2012 Convention Delegate Selection Plan Commentary

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The Democratic Party of Virginia has posted its draft 2012 National Convention Delegate Selection Plan (“Plan”) for 30-day public comment (ending May 4, 2011) at the DPVA website, so please submit your comments.  As the drafter of the 2004 and 2008 Delegate Selection Plans, and someone who has been involved with the 2012 draft Plan, I offer an overview of the process and identification of important changes from our 2008 plan. Read More »DPVA 2012 Convention Delegate Selection Plan Commentary

DPVA Chairman’s Update – 4/1/2011

Among the good things that DPVA Chairman Brian Moran is doing is providing regular updates on his travels, the party’s activities, and important issues.  The DPVA’s new leadership is active and open.  Below is the Chairman’s Update, which makes the point that the DPVA favors bipartisan redistricting, but not unilateral action which will undermine the Senate’s ability to protect the Commonwealth from Republican extremism.Read More »DPVA Chairman’s Update – 4/1/2011