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DPVA Central Committee Elections this Spring

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Following its February 2009 Democratic Party, the DPVA finalized guidelines and schedule for the election of the 2009-2013 State Central Committee.  The State Central Committee (SCC) is the state equivalent of the Democratic National Committee.  It is composed of 20 elected members from each congressional district, plus three city/county chairs, and one general assembly member per district, and caucus and state party officers.  The Congressional District Conventions in May will elect the 20 members, and the State Central Committee in June will elect the state party officers.   Attached are links to guidance for the process and the congressional district convention delegate allocation formula.    Guidance     Delegate Formula

Congressional District Committees are issuing their “Calls to Convention.”   Those Calls have been posted at the very useful Central Committee Elections page of the DPVA website.  The DVPA website also has filing information for people who want to seek election to the SCC and a Calendar to help keep track of all the deadlines.  The Calls set out the processes, dates, and locations of the district committee election process.  Some districts will have a two-step process and hold caucuses on April  18, 20, 25, or 27 to elect delegates to the district conventions.  Others, including the 8th CD, will have a joint caucus/convention process in which Democrats can attend and vote directly for SCC members.  The district conventions will be held on May 2, 9, or 16.  There are pre-filing requirements for election as convention delegates or to the SCC.

Any registered voter who is a Democrat (as indicated by signing a pledge form) can participate in the process and all events should be accessible.  District and city or county committees should implement notice and outreach programs to encourage participation by all Democrats, including those who were drawn to the Party by President Obama’s campaign.  Pursuant to DPV and DNC Rules, half the SCC members will be men and half will be women.