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DNC General Meeting Report – Part 1

The DNC is holding its general meeting in St. Louis this morning – Virginians attending include Gaylene Kanoyton, Doris Crouse-Mays, Lionell Spruill, Grindly Johnson, Alfonso Lopez and Alexis Herman.

We have heard from HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.  The Committee has adopted the draft resolutions report (below).   Vice Chair Donna Brazile spoke about voting rights and Gulf recovery.  Association of State Dem Chairs President Ray Buckley talked about the need for field work and voter contact to win 2010 elections.  Treasurer Andrew Tobias said that the DNC has an all time high of 1.3 million contributors; compared to four years ago, we are ahead of where we were and competitive with the GOP.  But, of course, we need more – some very important Senate and House races that the DNC can assist –

VP Biden then spoke – he talked about the mess (“ponzi scheme”) we inherited, and the hard work required to bring about Change.   Accomplishments include stabilization of the financial system which avoided global economic collapse – the banks will pay back their loans; health insurance reform providing coverage and reducing costs; economic recovery for a new economy; unemployment has declined (although still high); policing wall street to avoid future problems; limitations on credit card rate increases; rescued auto companies which are now back on their feet – adding jobs; revamped college loan process making more funds and tax credits available, making college more accessible and affordable; and  business growth – new technologies developing (we know that the free enterprise system, not the government will restore the economy).   Poll numbers are not as high as they should b people haven’t focused on accomplishments and alternative – The Republican Tea Party (citing Mayor Kevin White – “don’t compare me to the Almightly, compare me to the alternatives.”)   The GOP is offering candidates of the past on steriods –  the GOP has decided to provide virtually no Republican votes for the administration’s initiates – even on procedural votes.  Their success rests on their failure, without regard to harm to the American people.  The GOP wants to return to the tyranny of the insurance companies and repeal health care benefits that are becoming available.   The US can regain its international economic supremacy, be innovative and creative in new technologies – if we are not, we cannot led the world.  We cannot use the same energy, educaiton, and health policies as the last century.  We will lay out honestly what we did and what is the alternative.   Make it clear that we are moving in the right direction; we can’t turn back now.

  DNC_Summer_Meeting_2010_Resolutions.pdf (1.9 MiB, 1,441 hits)